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This is proof that if anything Wilbur’s paranoia was built throughout the revolution but Eret’s betrayal kick-started his major spiral. L’manberg being blow up by hidden TNT and betraying L’manberg with a button and saying the words ‘’It was never meant to be’’ are direct parallels to Wilbur’s trauma, and reacting trauma is sometimes a symptom of PTSD (Also, interestingly, Wilbur was stabbed to death after the words ‘’It was never meant to be’’ in the final control room and on the 16th). Wilbur has shown many symptoms he suffers from mental illness/es so it’s fair to say he may not have been 100% all the time before the betrayal but what we do know is that Eret’s betrayal shattered Wilbur impacting him so much he even quotes Eret’s words during the betrayal before blowing up L’manberg. Instead, he was unexpectedly pushed into war, watched the nation he and his loved ones built from the ground up to be blown up, run for his life and then watch one of his closest allies betray him allowing him to be slaughtered. Originally Wilbur thought similar to Quackity in that ‘’everyone had a good side’’ and built a place to keep those that struggle to fight physically safe expecting what he needed to do to be left alone. We know cannon deaths are traumatizing and we’ve seen Tommy have a panic attack when revisiting the final control room, so it’s fair to say the final control room affected Wilbur. These sentences and context explain Wilbur’s fear of Quackity wanting to speak to him as a person and ''pick his brain'' as Wilbur is truly on the edge of a breakdown and due to his past issues with betrayal he can’t trust Quackity won’t take advantage of this. This is seen later on where Quackity asks to talk to Wilbur as a person instead of a politician and Wilbur flat out declines. Wilbur cried into his pillow because he could not take the pressure and paranoia. What the phrase is implying is that when Wilbur is ‘’off the podium’’ or when he's alone and just himself no longer a president that needs to protect his people or give grand speeches, he cries. We’ve heard Ghostbur recall Alivebur crying every time he was ‘’off the podium’’ but from watching the streams we know that only must be true in a figurative sense as Wilbur isn't crying when he's not at a podium. This is most likely due to the fact we know Wilbur’s breaking.

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We know how famously good an actor cc!Wilbur is and he made it clear to us that this encounter is awkward, but Quackity on the other hand seems rather casual. Wilbur stutters ’’P-pick my brain?’’ back in a way that instead of seeming like just a trip up of words it sounds scripted. Wilbur responds to this seemingly harmless statement in one of the most fearful tones I've heard.

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